

刊名Computers & Fluids


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2016, vol.124 2016, vol.125 2016, vol.126 2016, vol.127 2016, vol.128 2016, vol.129
2016, vol.130 2016, vol.131 2016, vol.132 2016, vol.133 2016, vol.134/135 2016, vol.136
2016, vol.137 2016, vol.138 2016, vol.139 2016, vol.140 2016, vol.141

A non-intrusive acceleration technique for compressible flow solvers based on dynamic mode decompositionAndersson, N.20162016, vol.133
A fast method to compute triply-periodic Brinkman flowsHoang-Ngan Nguyen; Olson, Sarah; Leiderman, Karin20162016, vol.133
Partitioned iterative and dynamic subgrid-scale methods for freely vibrating square-section structures at subcritical Reynolds numberJaiman, R. K.; Guan, M. Z.; Miyanawala, T. P.20162016, vol.133
Numerical simulation of annular flow hydrodynamics in microchannelsGuo, Zhenyi; Fletcher, David F.; Haynes, Brian S.20162016, vol.133
Flight control simulations of a butterfly-like flapping wing-body model by the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann methodNakatani, Yuichi; Suzuki, Kosuke; Inamuro, Takaji20162016, vol.133
Eulerian and Lagrangian stagnation plane behavior of moderate Reynolds number round opposed-jets flowWu, Dan; Li, Jing; Liu, Zhaohui; Xiong, Yan; Zheng, Chuguang; Medwell, Paul R.20162016, vol.133
Concurrent finite element simulation of quadrupolar and dipolar flow noise in low Mach number aeroacousticsCodina, Ramon; Guasch, Oriol; Pont, Arnau; Baiges, Joan20162016, vol.133
Comparison of a spectral method With volume penalization and a finite volume method with body fitted grids for turbulent flowsKadoch, Benjamin; Reimann, Thorsten; Schaefer, Michael; Schneider, Kai20162016, vol.133
Numerical aspects of Eulerian gas-particles flow formulationsVenier, Cesar M.; Marquez Damian, Santiago; Nigro, Norberto M.20162016, vol.133
An investigation on momentum exchange methods and refilling algorithms for lattice Boltzmann simulation of particulate flowsTao, Shi; Hu, Junjie; Guo, Zhaoli20162016, vol.133