

刊名Stochastics and dynamics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
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2016, vol.16, no.1 2016, vol.16, no.2 2016, vol.16, no.3 2016, vol.16, no.4 2016, vol.16, no.5 2016, vol.16, no.6

Almost sure convergence of the clustering factor in alpha-mixing processesAbadi, Miguel; Saussol, Benoit20162016, vol.16, no.3
Duality between eigenfunctions and eigendistributions of Ruelle and Koopman operators via an integral kernelGiulietti, P.; Lopes, A. O.; Pit, V.20162016, vol.16, no.3
Large deviation type estimates for iterates of linear cocyclesDuarte, Pedro; Klein, Silvius20162016, vol.16, no.3
A note on statistical properties for nonuniformly hyperbolic systems with slow contraction and expansionMelbourne, Ian; Varandas, Paulo20162016, vol.16, no.3
Note on limit distribution of normalized return times and escape rateZhang, Xuan20162016, vol.16, no.3
On the mixing properties of piecewise expanding maps under composition with permutations, II: Maps of non-constant orientationByott, Nigel P.; Lin, Congping; Zhang, Yiwei20162016, vol.16, no.3
Extreme value theory for piecewise contracting maps with randomly applied stochastic perturbationsFaranda, Davide; Freitas, Jorge Milhazes; Guiraud, Pierre; Vaienti, Sandro20162016, vol.16, no.3