

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2016, vol.53, no.1 2016, vol.53, no.2 2016, vol.53, no.3 2016, vol.53, no.4 2016, vol.54, no.1 2016, vol.54, no.2
2016, vol.54, no.3 2016, vol.54, no.4

Requirements driven test prioritisation approach for web service compositionPoonkavithai Kalamegam; G. Zayaraz20162016, vol.54, no.4
Combined architectural framework for the selection of architectures using ATAM, FAHP and CBAMC. Dhaya; G. Zayaraz20162016, vol.54, no.4
Identification of crosscutting concerns at design levelFairouz Dahi; Nora Bounour20162016, vol.54, no.4
Optimised class point approach for software effort estimation using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system modelShashank Mouli Satapathy; Mukesh Kumar; Santanu Kumar Rath20162016, vol.54, no.4
Investigating the relationship between project constraints and appropriate iteration length in agile development through simulationsRyushi Shiohama; Hironori Washizaki; Shin Kuboaki; Kazunori Sakamoto; Yoshiaki Fukazawa20162016, vol.54, no.4
QM4MAS: a quality model for multi-agent systemsToufik Marir; Farid Mokhati; Hassina Bouchlaghem-Seridi; Youghourta Acid; Maroua Bouzid20162016, vol.54, no.4
Enhancing the fault prediction accuracy of CK metrics using high precision cohesion metricN. Kayarvizhy; S. Kanmani; V. Rhymend Uthariaraj20162016, vol.54, no.4
Method-level incremental code clone detection using hybrid approachE. Kodhai; S. Kanmani20162016, vol.54, no.4
Rewriting rule-based model for aspect-oriented software evolutionHanene Cherait; Nora Bounour20162016, vol.54, no.4
Historical prioritisation and reprioritisations using hierarchical historical R-treeVarun Gupta; Durg Singh Chauhan; Kamlesh Dutta20162016, vol.54, no.4