

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2016, vol.53, no.1 2016, vol.53, no.2 2016, vol.53, no.3 2016, vol.53, no.4 2016, vol.54, no.1 2016, vol.54, no.2
2016, vol.54, no.3 2016, vol.54, no.4

The effect of time zone difference on asynchronous communications in global software developmentLiguo Yu; Zhong Guan; Srini Ramaswamy20162016, vol.53, no.3
Design and implementation of low power Android mobile sink based on load predictionYaqiu Liu; Shuangman Wu; Weipeng Jing20162016, vol.53, no.3
Study on effects of surface properties in haptic perception of virtual curvatureW. Jong Yoon; Wook-Yeon Hwang; Joel C. Perry20162016, vol.53, no.3
A numerical study on the performance and emission of a container ship propulsion systemHuan Tu20162016, vol.53, no.3
Voice activation visualisation of cardiovascular angiography and 3D coronary arteries in surgeryHasan H. Khaleel; Rahmita O. K. Rahmat; D. M. Zamrin20162016, vol.53, no.3
Evaluation of the government urban and rural information based on Choquet integralHao Cheng; Jing Zhang20162016, vol.53, no.3
The analysis of an optimisation model for emergency vehicles scheduling in multi-mode layer networksYongsheng Qian; Jinlong Zhang; Junwei Zeng; Libin Fu; Xiaoping Guang; Xin Wang20162016, vol.53, no.3
A modified shuffled frog-leaping algorithm-based fuzzy controller for magnetorheological damper-building systemXiufang Lin; Shumei Chen20162016, vol.53, no.3