

刊名Central European Journal of Operations Research


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2017, vol.25, no.1 2017, vol.25, no.2 2017, vol.25, no.3 2017, vol.25, no.4

A Benders' decomposition algorithm for optimizing distribution of perishable products considering postharvest biological behavior in agri-food supply chain: a case study of tomatoGhezavati, V. R.; Hooshyar, S.; Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.20172017, vol.25, no.1
A multi-heuristic approach for solving the pre-marshalling problemJovanovic, Raka; Tuba, Milan; Voss, Stefan20172017, vol.25, no.1
A heuristic framework on a common generalization of the Vehicle Routing Problem and the Linear Ordering ProblemBlazsik, Zoltan; Fajfrik, Zoltan Imre20172017, vol.25, no.1
Operational effects of service level variations for the dial-a-ride problemMolenbruch, Yves; Braekers, Kris; Caris, An20172017, vol.25, no.1
Efficiency analysis of European Freight Villages: three peers for benchmarkingYang, Congcong; Taudes, Alfred; Dong, Guozhi20172017, vol.25, no.1
Master disassembly scheduling in a remanufacturing system with stochastic routingsLage Junior, Muris; Godinho Filho, Moacir20172017, vol.25, no.1
A note on minimizing the sum of squares of machine completion times on two identical parallel machinesWalter, Rico20172017, vol.25, no.1
On the criterion vectors of lines of portfolio selection with multiple quadratic and multiple linear objectivesQi, Yue20172017, vol.25, no.1
Product innovation with lumpy investmentChahim, M.; Grass, D.; Hartl, R. F.; Kort, P. M.20172017, vol.25, no.1
A dynamic programming model for effect of worker's type on wage arrearsLiu, Wenjing; Liu, Ke; Yang, Lulu20172017, vol.25, no.1