

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2017, vol.55, no.1 2017, vol.55, no.2 2017, vol.55, no.3 2017, vol.55, no.4 2017, vol.56, no.1 2017, vol.56, no.2
2017, vol.56, no.3 2017, vol.56, no.4

A constructive heuristic for the two-dimensional bin packing based on value correctionYi Yao; Chaoan Lai; Yaodong Cui20172017, vol.55, no.1
State and fault estimation based on interval type-2 fuzzy inference system optimised by genetic algorithmsImen Maalej; Donia Ben Halima Abid; Chokri Rekik20172017, vol.55, no.1
Modelling and identification of an irrigation station using hybrid possibilistic c-means and fuzzy particle swarm optimisationJaouher Chrouta; Abderrahmen Zaafouri; Mohamed Jemli20172017, vol.55, no.1
Disturbance influence on neuronal system modellingInes Mahmoud; Ayachi Errachdi; Mohamed Benrejeb20172017, vol.55, no.1
BDI-agent-based quantum-behaved PSO for shipboard power system reconfigurationWei Zhang; Weifeng Shi; Jinbao Zhuo20172017, vol.55, no.1
Robust fault detection and isolation in bond graph modelled processes with Bayesian networksWalid Bouallegue; Salma Bouslama Bouabdallah; Moncef Tagina20172017, vol.55, no.1
An enumerative biclustering algorithm based on greatest common divisor: application to DNA microarray dataHaifa Ben Saber; Mourad Elloumi20172017, vol.55, no.1
Identification and development of a real-time motion control for a mobile robot's DC gear motorNoura Ayadi; Manel Turki; Rania Ghribi; Nabil Derbel20172017, vol.55, no.1
Simulation model of pedestrians swarm in evacuation situationsOlfa Beltaief; Sameh El Hadouaj; Khaled Ghedira20172017, vol.55, no.1