

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2017, vol.55, no.1 2017, vol.55, no.2 2017, vol.55, no.3 2017, vol.55, no.4 2017, vol.56, no.1 2017, vol.56, no.2
2017, vol.56, no.3 2017, vol.56, no.4

New hybrid synchronisation schemes based on coexistence of various types of synchronisation between master-slave hyperchaotic systemsAdel Ouannas; Ahmad Taher Azar; Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan20172017, vol.55, no.2
Electromagnetic flowmeter with non-insulation pipe wallXuejing Li20172017, vol.55, no.2
Web-based tourism risk assessment system incorporating Web-GIS and HIP technologiesChung-Hung Tsai20172017, vol.55, no.2
Job scheduling in computational grid based on an improved cuckoo search methodTarun Kumar Ghosh; Sanjoy Das; Subhabrata Barman; Rajmohan Goswami20172017, vol.55, no.2
Prediction of solar Stirling power generation in smart grid by GA-ANN modelMohammad Sameti; Mohammad Ali Jokar; Fatemeh Razi Astaraei20172017, vol.55, no.2
Cloud computing security: challenges and future trendsTarek Radwan; Marianne A. Azer; Nashwa Abdelbaki20172017, vol.55, no.2
A 3D shape matching and retrieval approach based on fusion of curvature and geometric diffusion featuresBilal Mokhtari; Kamal Eddine Melkemi; Dominique Michelucci; Sebti Foufou20172017, vol.55, no.2
Attempts towards the first brain-computer interface system in INAYA Medical CollegeIslam A. Fouad; Fatma El-Zahraa M. Labib20172017, vol.55, no.2