

刊名Security Journal


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2018, vol.31, no.1 2018, vol.31, no.2 2018, vol.31, no.3 2018, vol.31, no.4

Managing Cyber Attacks in International Law, Business and Relations: In Search of Cyber PeaceButton, Mark20182018, vol.31, no.1
Can burglary prevention be low-carbon and effective? Investigating the environmental performance of burglary prevention measuresSkudder, Helen; Brunton-Smith, Ian; Tseloni, Andromachi; McInnes, Alan; Cole, John; Thompson, Rebecca; Druckman, Angela20182018, vol.31, no.1
Are federal security efforts evidence-based?Lum, Cynthia; Cave, Breanne; Nichols, Jordan20182018, vol.31, no.1
Screening the System: Exposing Security Clearance DangersKelty, Ryan20182018, vol.31, no.1
A quasi-experimental evaluation using roadblocks and automatic license plate readers to reduce crime in Buffalo, NYWheeler, Andrew P.; Phillips, Scott W.20182018, vol.31, no.1
Situational crime prevention and Public Safety Canada's crime-prevention programmeHodgkinson, Tarah; Farrell, Graham20182018, vol.31, no.1
Near-repeat shootings in contemporary Sweden 2011 to 2015Sturup, Joakim; Rostami, Amir; Gerell, Manne; Sandholm, Anders20182018, vol.31, no.1
A case study of bicycle theft on the Washington DC Metrorail system using a Routine Activities and Crime Pattern theory frameworkLevy, Jeremy M.; Irvin-Erickson, Yasemin; La Vigne, Nancy20182018, vol.31, no.1
Perceptions of crime hot-spots and real locations of crime incidents in two South African neighbourhoodsSnyders, Elsa; Landman, Karina20182018, vol.31, no.1
You can trust me: a multimethod analysis of the Nigerian email scamRich, Timothy20182018, vol.31, no.1