

刊名Telecommunication systems


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
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2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2018, vol.67, no.1 2018, vol.67, no.2 2018, vol.67, no.3 2018, vol.67, no.4 2018, vol.68, no.1 2018, vol.68, no.2
2018, vol.68, no.3 2018, vol.68, no.4 2018, vol.69, no.1 2018, vol.69, no.2 2018, vol.69, no.3 2018, vol.69, no.4

Determining the number of true different permutation polynomials of degrees up to five by Weng and Dong algorithmTrifina, Lucian; Tarniceriu, Daniela20182018, vol.67, no.2
Performance analysis of end-to-end SNR estimators for AF relayingZhou, Yulin; Chen, Yunfei20182018, vol.67, no.2
Self-organizing technique for improving coverage in connected mobile objects networksHamrioui, Sofiane; Lorenz, Pascal; Lloret, Jaime20182018, vol.67, no.2
Secure and efficient anonymous authentication scheme for three-tier mobile healthcare systems with wearable sensorsLi, Xiong; Ibrahim, Maged Hamada; Kumari, Saru; Kumar, Rahul20182018, vol.67, no.2
Anomaly-based framework for detecting dynamic spectrum access attacks in cognitive radio networksJararweh, Yaser; Salameh, Haythem A. Bany; Alturani, Abdallah; Tawalbeh, Loai; Song, Houbing20182018, vol.67, no.2
Fuzzy logic based 3D localization in wireless sensor networks using invasive weed and bacterial foraging optimizationSharma, Gaurav; Kumar, Ashok20182018, vol.67, no.2
Budget-constraint mechanism for incremental multi-labeling crowdsensingSun, Jiajun; Liu, Ningzhong; Wu, Dianliang20182018, vol.67, no.2
Defending against phishing attacks: taxonomy of methods, current issues and future directionsGupta, B. B.; Arachchilage, Nalin A. G.; Psannis, Kostas E.20182018, vol.67, no.2
Design, implementation and performance evaluation of a proactive overload control mechanism for networks of SIP serversMontazerolghaem, Ahmadreza; Moghaddam, M. H. Yaghmaee20182018, vol.67, no.2
ReDePoly: reducing delays in multi-channel P2P live streaming systems using distributed intelligenceGhaderzadeh, Abdulbaghi; Kargahi, Mehdi; Reshadi, Midia20182018, vol.67, no.2