

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2018, vol.57, no.1 2018, vol.57, no.2 2018, vol.57, no.3 2018, vol.57, no.4 2018, vol.58, no.1 2018, vol.58, no.2
2018, vol.58, no.3 2018, vol.58, no.4

A recursive algorithm for open information extraction from Persian textsMahmoud Rahat; Alireza Talebpour; Seyedamin Monemian20182018, vol.57, no.3
Global asymptotic stability of neural networks with uncertain parameters and time-varying delayYang Li; Jianhua Zhang; Xueli Wu20182018, vol.57, no.3
Design of a switched hyperchaotic system and its applicationRui Wang; Qisheng Xie; Yongtao Huang; Hui Sun; Yigang Sun20182018, vol.57, no.3
A novel multi-criteria self-organising migrating algorithm for engineering problemsNajlawi Bilel; Nejlaoui Mohamed20182018, vol.57, no.3
Monitoring data-based automatic fault diagnosis for the brake pipe of high-speed trainGuo Xie; Minying Ye; Xinhong Hei; Fucai Qian20182018, vol.57, no.3
Quran search engines: challenges and design requirementsYasser M. Alginahi20182018, vol.57, no.3
Implementing weighted entropy-distance based approach for the selection of software reliability growth modelsRamesh Kumar Garg; Aakash Gupta; Neeraj Gupta20182018, vol.57, no.3