

刊名Security Journal


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2019, vol.32, no.1 2019, vol.32, no.2 2019, vol.32, no.3 2019, vol.32, no.4

War, Peace and International Security: From Sarajevo to CrimeaLouzek, Marek20192019, vol.32, no.2
Police moonlighting and gender difference: exploring paid detail security for men and women officers in North American police departmentsLippert, Randy K.; Walby, Kevin; Zaia, Mathew20192019, vol.32, no.2
The Ipswich (Queensland) safe city program: an evaluationPrenzler, Tim; Wilson, Eric20192019, vol.32, no.2
Researching non-state actors in international security: theory and practiceFiorella, Giancarlo20192019, vol.32, no.2
Domestic extremist criminal damage events: behaving like criminals or terrorists?Robinson, Arlene; Marchment, Zoe; Gill, Paul20192019, vol.32, no.2
Storming the wall: climate change, migration, and homeland securityStoddart, Mark C. J.20192019, vol.32, no.2
The police corruption "crime problem" in KenyaHope, Kempe Ronald, Sr.20192019, vol.32, no.2
The not so dark side of the darknet: a qualitative studyMirea, Mihnea; Wang, Victoria; Jung, Jeyong20192019, vol.32, no.2