

刊名Security Journal


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2019, vol.32, no.1 2019, vol.32, no.2 2019, vol.32, no.3 2019, vol.32, no.4

Police-citizen relations across the world: comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacyGiacomantonio, Chris20192019, vol.32, no.3
The undocumented everyday: migrant lives and the politics of visibilityMoffette, David20192019, vol.32, no.3
The dispersion of crime concentration during a period of crime increaseChainey, Spencer P.; Monteiro, Joana20192019, vol.32, no.3
Arson in an urban setting: a multi-event near repeat chain analysis in Flint, MichiganTurchan, Brandon; Grubb, Jonathan A.; Pizarro, Jesenia M.; McGarrell, Edmund F.20192019, vol.32, no.3
The use of the risk management model ISO 31000 by private security companies in South AfricaGovender, Doraval20192019, vol.32, no.3
Quality of work life of bank security guards in Brazil: a research notePolicani Freitas, Andre Luis; Maciel, Felipe Ramos20192019, vol.32, no.3
Online romance scams and victimhoodSorell, Tom; Whitty, Monica20192019, vol.32, no.3
Perception of police legitimacy among private security officersPaek, Seung Yeop; Nalla, Mahesh K.; Lee, Julak20192019, vol.32, no.3
Understanding the role of parenting in developing radical beliefs: Lessons learned from IndonesiaRiany, Yulina Eva; Haslam, Divna; Musyafak, Najahan; Farida, Jauharotul; Ma'arif, Syamsul; Sanders, Matthew20192019, vol.32, no.3
The role of land use and walkability in predicting crime patterns: A spatiotemporal analysis of Miami-Dade County neighborhoods, 2007-2015Cowen, Christopher; Louderback, Eric R.; Sen Roy, Shouraseni20192019, vol.32, no.3