

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2019, vol.59, no.1 2019, vol.59, no.2 2019, vol.59, no.3 2019, vol.59, no.4 2019, vol.60, no.1 2019, vol.60, no.2
2019, vol.60, no.3 2019, vol.60, no.4 2019, vol.61, no.1/2 2019, vol.61, no.3 2019, vol.61, no.4

Intelligent power system controller designKamel Saoudi; Ziyad Bouchama; Mouloud Ayad; Mourad Benziane; Mohamed Naguib Harmas20192019, vol.60, no.2
Hybrid chaotic synchronisation between identical and non-identical fractional-order systemsAbir Lassoued; Olfa Boubaker20192019, vol.60, no.2
Sensorless high-order sliding modes vector control for induction motor drive with a new adaptive speed observer using super-twisting strategyMohamed Horch; Abdelmadjid Boumédiène; Lotfi Baghli20192019, vol.60, no.2
Modelling, simulation and control of a class of hybrid dynamic systems: using hybrid automaton, APROS and mixed integer quadratic optimisation algorithmMohamed Fouzi Belazreg; Khaled Halbaoui; Djamel Boukhetala; Mohamed El-Hadi Boulheouchat20192019, vol.60, no.2
Chaos synchronisation of two different PMSMs via a fractional-order sliding mode controllerAmina Boubellouta; Abdesselem Boulkroune20192019, vol.60, no.2
Novel adaptive iterative observer based on integral backstepping control of a wearable robotic exoskeletonBrahim Brahmi; Maarouf Saad; Cristobal Ochoa-Luna; Mohammad H. Rahman; Abdelkrim Brahmi20192019, vol.60, no.2
Towards compact swarm intelligence: a new compact firefly optimisation techniqueLyes Tighzert; Cyril Fonlupt; Boubekeur Mendil20192019, vol.60, no.2
Secure communication scheme using chaotic time-varying delayed systemKhaled Benkouider; Meriem Halimi; Toufik Bouden20192019, vol.60, no.2