

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
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2022 2023 2024

2020, vol.62, no.1 2020, vol.62, no.2 2020, vol.62, no.3 2020, vol.62, no.4 2020, vol.63, no.1/2 2020, vol.63, no.3
2020, vol.63, no.4 2020, vol.64, no.1 2020, vol.64, no.2 2020, vol.64, no.3 2020, vol.64, no.4

Multi-level analysis of IEC 61131-3 languages to detect clonesJnanamurthy, H. K.; Jetley, Raoul; Henskens, Frans; Paul, David; Wallis, Mark; Sudarsan, S. D.20202020, vol.63, no.4
The use of higher-degree polynomials for trajectory planning with jerk, acceleration and velocity constraintsBoryga, Marek20202020, vol.63, no.4
A runtime model-based framework for specifying and verifying adaptive RTE systemsFredj, Nissaf; Kacem, Yessine Hadj; Abid, Mohamed20202020, vol.63, no.4
Effective packet multiplexing method to improve bandwidth utilisationAbualhaj, Mosleh M.; Shambour, Qusai Y.; Hussein, AbdelRahman H.20202020, vol.63, no.4
A survey for recent applications and variants of nature-inspired immune search algorithmAlkhateeb, Faisal; Al-Khatib, Ra'ed M.; Doush, Iyad Abu20202020, vol.63, no.4
The construction and implementation of the positive-negative pressure pulse control system for oil well plug removalMa, Zhenfu; Song, Yuankai; Zhang, Kai20202020, vol.63, no.4
Adaptive self-recurrent wavelet neural network and sliding mode controller/observer for a slider crank mechanismAzar, Ahmad Taher; Serrano, Fernando E.; Rossell, Josep M.; Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian; Zhu, Quanmin20202020, vol.63, no.4
Connecting historical changes for cross-version software defect predictionBai, Xue; Zhou, Hua; Yang, Hongji; Wang, Dong20202020, vol.63, no.4
Diagnosing Parkinson's disease with speech signal based on convolutional neural networkZhang, Yajuan; Cao, Yuyang; Li, Lin; Hao, Lianwang; Zhang, Tao20202020, vol.63, no.4