

刊名Managerial and decision economics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2020, vol.41, no.1 2020, vol.41, no.2 2020, vol.41, no.3 2020, vol.41, no.4 2020, vol.41, no.5 2020, vol.41, no.6
2020, vol.41, no.7 2020, vol.41, no.8

Managerial style in cost asymmetry and shareholder valueLopatta Kerstin; Kaspereit Thomas; Gastone Laura‐Maria20202020, vol.41, no.5
Worker poaching in a supply chain: Enemy from within?Barlow Evan; Allon Gad; Bassamboo Achal20202020, vol.41, no.5
Status quo bias and attitude towards risk: An experimental investigationBekir Insaf; Doss Faten20202020, vol.41, no.5
Mutual fund performance: The decision quality and capital magnet efficienciesHsieh H. Pierre; Tebourbi Imen; Lu Wen‐Min; Liu Nai‐Yu20202020, vol.41, no.5
Environmental, social and governance initiatives and wealth creation for firms: An empirical examinationBhaskaran Rajesh Kumar; Ting Irene Wei Kiong; Sukumaran Sujit K.; Sumod Saraswathy Divakaran20202020, vol.41, no.5
Do firms choose overcapacity or undercapacity in a vertical structure?Choi Kangsik; Lee DongJoon20202020, vol.41, no.5
Advice‐seeking and advice‐utilization for hiring decisions: An investigation of a partially outsourced recruitment process for rank‐and‐file managersFabel Oliver; Hopp Christian; Speil Alexander20202020, vol.41, no.5
What do U.S. biopharmaceutical companies get from patents and research and development spikes for their dynamic corporate performance?Wang Wei‐Kang; Lu Wen‐Min; Kweh Qian Long; Truong Hoang Tu Nhi20202020, vol.41, no.5
Monopsony and two‐part tariffsBlair Roger D.; DePasquale Christina20202020, vol.41, no.5
Frequent acquirers and management compensationMishra Chandra S.20202020, vol.41, no.5