

刊名Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing制造业中的人因素和人机工程学2000~2011


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

2020, vol.30, no.1 2020, vol.30, no.2 2020, vol.30, no.3 2020, vol.30, no.4 2020, vol.30, no.5 2020, vol.30, no.6

Assessment and monitoring of mental workload in subway train operations using physiological, subjective, and performance measuresJafari Mohammad‐Javad; Jafari Amir H.; Payandeh Najafabadi Amir T.; Al‐Qaisi Saif; Zaeri Farid; Hassanzadeh‐Rangi Narmin20202020, vol.30, no.3
A systematic review on ear anthropometry and its industrial design applicationsFu Fang; Luximon Yan20202020, vol.30, no.3
Modeling and evaluation of attention allocation in an intelligent tractor head‐up display interfacePei Yeqing; Song Zhenghe; Jin Xiaoping; Wen Changkai; Shao Xuedong; Yang Zihan20202020, vol.30, no.3
Investigation of the functional stability limits while squattingSugama Atsushi; Tonoike Yasuhiro; Seo Akihiko20202020, vol.30, no.3
Interaction between an operator and the control desk at the control room of the railway traffic: A Serbian experienceGrozdanovic Miroljub20202020, vol.30, no.3
Issue Information 20202020, vol.30, no.3
Continuous evaluation of participants’ perceptions of impact: Applying a boundary object in organizational‐level interventionsIpsen Christine; Poulsen Signe; Gish Liv; Kirkegaard Marie Louise20202020, vol.30, no.3