

刊名Science Robotics


2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2021, vol.6, no.50 2021, vol.6, no.51 2021, vol.6, no.52 2021, vol.6, no.53 2021, vol.6, no.54 2021, vol.6, no.55
2021, vol.6, no.56 2021, vol.6, no.57 2021, vol.6, no.58 2021, vol.6, no.59 2021, vol.6, no.60 2021, vol.6, no.61

Stealthy tracking of deep ocean organisms with MesobotLindsay, Dhugal John20212021, vol.6, no.55
Burrowing soft robots break new groundTao, Junliang (Julian)20212021, vol.6, no.55
Controlling subterranean forces enables a fast, steerable, burrowing soft robotKarsai, Andras; Murray-Cooper, Mason; Ozkan-Aydin, Yasemin; Aydin, Enes; Goldman, Daniel, I; Hawkes, Elliot W.; Naclerio, Nicholas D.20212021, vol.6, no.55
A hybrid underwater robot for multidisciplinary investigation of the ocean twilight zoneHobson, Brett W.; Robison, Bruce H.; Risi, Michael; Rock, Stephen M.; Yoerger, Dana R.; Govindarajan, Annette F.; Howland, Jonathan C.; Llopiz, Joel K.; Wiebe, Peter H.; Curran, Molly; Fujii, Justin; Gomez-Ibanez, Daniel; Katija, Kakani20212021, vol.6, no.55
Optogenetics gets the wormSan-Miguel, Adriana20212021, vol.6, no.55
The robot explorersLee, Michael M.20212021, vol.6, no.55
An autonomous drone for search and rescue in forests using airborne optical sectioningSchedl, D. C.; Kurmi, I; Bimber, O.20212021, vol.6, no.55
Toward a living soft microrobot through optogenetic locomotion control of Caenorhabditis elegansDong, Xianke; Kheiri, Sina; Lu, Yangning; Xu, Zhaoyi; Zhen, Mei; Liu, Xinyu20212021, vol.6, no.55
A seasonally invariant deep transform for visual terrain-relative navigationLee, Connor T.; Fragoso, Anthony T.; McCoy, Austin S.; Chung, Soon-Jo20212021, vol.6, no.55
Electrostatic footpads enable agile insect-scale soft robots with trajectory controlLiang, Jiaming; Wu, Yichuan; Yim, Justin K.; Chen, Huimin; Miao, Zicong; Liu, Hanxiao; Liu, Ying; Liu, Yixin; Wang, Dongkai; Qiu, Wenying; Shao, Zhichun; Wang, Xiaohao; Zhong, Junwen; Lin, Liwei; Zhang, Min20212021, vol.6, no.55