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2021, vol.34, no.1 2021, vol.34, no.2 2021, vol.34, no.3 2021, vol.34, no.4

A systematic review of crime facilitated by the consumer Internet of ThingsBlythe, John M.; Johnson, Shane D.20212021, vol.34, no.1
In the shoes of George Zimmerman: the impact of promotion of mistrust, subcultural diversity and fear of crime on expected personal reactionsLane, Jodi; Kuhn, Ashley Price20212021, vol.34, no.1
An investigation into microcycles of violence by the TalibanRieber-Mohn, Julie Haukland; Tripathi, Kartikeya20212021, vol.34, no.1
Law enforcement corruption along the US bordersJancsics, David20212021, vol.34, no.1
Current trends in insurance fraud in Russia: evidence from a survey of industry expertsTimofeyev, Yuriy; Busalaeva, Tatiana20212021, vol.34, no.1
A configurative synthesis of evidence for fear in the criminal decision-making process (10.1057/s41284-019-00201-w, 2019)Gill, Paul; Tompson, Lisa; Marchment, Zoe; Hetzel, Florian; Zolghadriha, Sanaz; Sidebottom, Aiden20212021, vol.34, no.1
Reporting behavior of bicycle theft victims: a test of Black's theory of lawDai, Mengliang; Gao, Yunjiao20212021, vol.34, no.1
Behaviour tracking: using geospatial and behaviour sequence analysis to map crimeKeatley, D. A.; Arntfield, M.; Gill, P.; Clare, J.; Oatley, G.; Bouhana, N.; Clarke, D. D.20212021, vol.34, no.1
Punishment without crime: how our massive misdemeanor system traps the innocent and makes America more unequalWeinrath, Michael20212021, vol.34, no.1
Crime and off-premise alcohol outlets: do characteristics matter?Snowden, Aleksandra J.20212021, vol.34, no.1