

刊名Stochastics and dynamics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2021, vol.21, no.1 2021, vol.21, no.2 2021, vol.21, no.3 2021, vol.21, no.4 2021, vol.21, no.5 2021, vol.21, no.6
2021, vol.21, no.7 2021, vol.21, no.8

Generalized heredity in B-free systemsKeller, Gerhard20212021, vol.21, no.3
On a question of H. A. SchwarzPatterson, S. J.20212021, vol.21, no.3
Limit theorems for numbers of returns in arrays under phi-mixingKifer, Yuri20212021, vol.21, no.3
Three variations on a theme by FibonacciBaake, Michael; Frank, Natalie Priebe; Grimm, Uwe20212021, vol.21, no.3
A multifractal analysis for cuspidal windings on hyperbolic surfacesJaerisch, Johannes; Kesseboehmer, Marc; Munday, Sara20212021, vol.21, no.3
On the existence of a sigma-finite acim for a random iteration of intermittent Markov maps with uniformly contractive partToyokawa, Hisayoshi20212021, vol.21, no.3
Numerical resonances for Schottky surfaces via Lagrange-Chebyshev approximationBandtlow, Oscar F.; Pohl, Anke; Schick, Torben; Weisse, Alexander20212021, vol.21, no.3
Thermodynamic Formalism - Applications to Geometry, Number Theory and Stochastics PrefaceKessebohmer, Marc; Kombrink, Sabrina; Pesin, Yakov; Samuel, Tony; Schmeling, Jorg20212021, vol.21, no.3
Internet congestion control: From stochastic to dynamical modelsAmigo, Jose M.; Gimenez, Angel; Martinez-Bonastre, Oscar; Valero, Jose20212021, vol.21, no.3
A logistic-harvest model with allee effect under multiplicative noiseTesfay, Almaz; Tesfay, Daniel; Brannan, James; Duan, Jinqiao20212021, vol.21, no.3