

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
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2021, vol.65, no.1 2021, vol.65, no.2 2021, vol.65, no.3 2021, vol.65, no.4 2021, vol.66, no.1 2021, vol.66, no.2
2021, vol.66, no.3/4 2021, vol.67, no.1 2021, vol.67, no.2/3 2021, vol.67, no.4

LabVIEW-based cardiac risk assessment of foetal ECG signal extracted from maternal abdominal signalKaur, Prabhjot; Dewan, Lillie20212021, vol.66, no.2
Artificial intelligence-based algorithm to track the probable COVID-19 cases using contact history of virus infected personSingh, R. S.; Gelmecha, Demissie Jobir; Ayane, Tadesse Hailu; Shaikh, Javed20212021, vol.66, no.2
Prediction of cardiac disease using online extreme learning machineSaxena, Sulekha; Gupta, Vijay Kumar; Hrisheekesha, P. N.; Singh, R. S.20212021, vol.66, no.2
Dermoscopic image segmentation method based on convolutional neural networksDang Ngoc Hoang Thanh; Le Thi Thanh; Erkan, Ugur; Khamparia, Aditya; Prasath, V. B. Surya20212021, vol.66, no.2
Tool-based persona for designing user interfaces in healthcareAlzahrani, Hanaa; Alnanih, Reem20212021, vol.66, no.2
IoT-based automatic intravenous fluid monitoring system for smart medical environmentChauhan, Harsha; Verma, Vishal; Gupta, Deepali; Gupta, Sheifali20212021, vol.66, no.2
RC-DBSCAN: redundancy controlled DBSCAN algorithm for densely deployed wireless sensor network to prolong the network lifespanSharma, Tripti; Mohapatra, Amar Kumar; Tomar, Geetam Singh20212021, vol.66, no.2
Digitisation of paper-ECG using column wise-median approachGautam, Priyanka; Sunkaria, Ramesh Kumar; Sharma, Lakhan Dev20212021, vol.66, no.2
Prediction of diabetic patients using various machine learning techniquesKaur, Manpreet; Rani, Shalli; Gupta, Deepali; Manocha, Amit Kumar20212021, vol.66, no.2
Coronary artery disease diagnosis using extra tree-support vector machine: ET-SVMRBFRani, Pooja; Kumar, Rajneesh; Jain, Anurag20212021, vol.66, no.2