

刊名The American Economic Review: Insights


2020 2021 2022 2023

2022, vol.4, no.1 2022, vol.4, no.2 2022, vol.4, no.3 2022, vol.4, no.4

Unequal Jury Representation and Rs ConsequencesAnwar, Shamena; Bayer, Patrick; Hjalmarsson, Randi20222022, vol.4, no.2
Robust Predictions in Coasian BargainingLiu, Heng20222022, vol.4, no.2
The Commitment Benefit of Consols in Government Debt ManagementDebortoli, Davide; Nunes, Ricardo; Yared, Pierre20222022, vol.4, no.2
Top of the Batch: Interviews and the MatchEchenique, Federico; Gonzalez, Ruy; Wilson, Alistair J.; Yariv, Leeat20222022, vol.4, no.2
A Global Version of Samuelson's DictumXiao, Yaqing; Yan, Hongjun; Zhang, Jinfan20222022, vol.4, no.2
The Liquidity Sensitivity of Healthcare Consumption: Evidence from Social Security PaymentsGross, Tal; Layton, Timothy J.; Prinz, Daniel20222022, vol.4, no.2
Insurance Design and Pharmaceutical InnovationAgha, Leila; Kim, Soomi; Li, Danielle20222022, vol.4, no.2
Police Force Size and Civilian RaceChalfin, Aaron; Hansen, Benjamin; Weisburst, Emily K.; Williams, Morgan C., Jr.20222022, vol.4, no.2