

刊名International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
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2022, vol.68, no.1 2022, vol.68, no.2 2022, vol.68, no.3 2022, vol.68, no.4 2022, vol.69, no.1 2022, vol.69, no.2
2022, vol.69, no.3 2022, vol.69, no.4 2022, vol.70, no.1 2022, vol.70, no.2 2022, vol.70, no.3/4

Biased compensation adaptive gradient algorithm for rational model with time-delay using self-organising mapsZhang, Yanxin; Chen, Jing; Pu, Yan20222022, vol.68, no.4
Digital forensics evidence management based on proxy re-encryptionPatil, Rachana Yogesh20222022, vol.68, no.4
Finger-Knuckle-Print verification by fusing invariant texture and structure scoresChaa, Mourad; Akhtar, Zahid; Sehar, Uroosa20222022, vol.68, no.4
Important extrema points extraction-based data aggregation approach for elongating the WSN lifetimeAl-Qurabat, Ali Kadhum M.; Salman, Hussein M.; Finjan, Abd Alnasir Riyadh20222022, vol.68, no.4
Convolution neural network model for an intelligent solution for crack detection in pavement imagesRababaah, Aaron Rasheed; Wolfer, James20222022, vol.68, no.4
Multi-label legal text classification with BiLSTM and attentionEnamoto, Liriam; Santos, Andre R. A. S.; Maia, Ricardo; Weigang, Li; Filho, Geraldo P. Rocha20222022, vol.68, no.4
DDoS attack detection and defence mechanism based on second-order exponential smoothing: Holt's modelPatil, Rachana Yogesh20222022, vol.68, no.4
Cyber-attacks visualisation and prediction in complex multi-stage networkMishra, Shailendra; Alotaibi, Waleed Bander; Alshehri, Mohammed; Saxena, Sharad20222022, vol.68, no.4
Overheat protection for motor crane hoist using internet of thingsPaduloh, Paduloh; Muhendra, Rifki20222022, vol.68, no.4
Design of a FPGA accelerator for the FIVE fuzzy interpolation methodBartok, Roland; Vasarhelyi, Jozsef20222022, vol.68, no.4