

刊名HK - Holz- und Kunststoffverarbeitung


2023 2024

2023, vol.58, no.1 2023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl. 2023, vol.58, no.2 2023, vol.58, no.2 Suppl. 2023, vol.58, no.3 2023, vol.58, no.3 Suppl.
2023, vol.58, no.4 2023, vol.58, no.4 Suppl. 2023, vol.58, no.4 Suppl.1 2023, vol.58, no.5 2023, vol.58, no.5 Suppl. 2023, vol.58, no.6
2023, vol.58, no.6 Suppl.

Editorial(2)Uwe M. Schreiner20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
The "House of Wood": new center for the timber industry opens in BerlinMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Sales slump in decking boardsMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Positive business developments in the first nine months of 2022Markus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Home Office: Solutions, Inspirations, and DialogMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
IHD participates in the European research project EcoReFibreMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Meeting point for industry giantsMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Editorial(1)Uwe M. Schreiner20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Haus des Holzes: Neues Zentrum der Holzwirtschaft in Berlin wird eroffnetMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.
Absatzeinbruch bei TerrassendielenMarkus Schmalz20232023, vol.58, no.1 Suppl.