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2024, vol.91, no.1 2024, vol.91, no.2 2024, vol.91, no.3/4 2024, vol.91, no.5 2024, vol.91, no.6

Machine-readable and machine-actionable digital calibration certificate (DCC) and its use in practiceDoering, Lutz; Hackel, Siegfried; Schoenhals, Shanna; Krah, Thomas20242024, vol.91, no.1
From measurement to information with intelligence - VDI future forum in Ettlingen/Germany -Sommer, Klaus-Dieter; Haertig, Frank; Heizmann, Michael; Kaiser, Ulrich20242024, vol.91, no.1
Integrating metrological principles into the Internet of Things: a digital maturity model for sensor network metrologyEichstaedt, Sascha; Gruber, Maximilian; Vedurmudi, Anupam Prasad20242024, vol.91, no.1
Improving the performance of artificial neural networks trained on synthetic data in gas spectroscopy - a study on two sensing approaches Approaches to overcome data scarcity when utilizing artificial neural networks in quantitative gas analysisGoldschmidt, Jens; Moser, Elisabeth; Nitzsche, Leonard; Bierl, Rudolf; Woellenstein, Juergen20242024, vol.91, no.1
Verification in transition - Changes in legally regulated measuring devicesUlbig, Peter20242024, vol.91, no.1
Quantum technology and quantum sensing: current topics in technology development and transfer into application from the perspective of a national metrology instituteGerster, Thomas; Spethmann, Nicolas20242024, vol.91, no.1
The hunt for mineral resources with quantum magnetometersStolz, Ronny; Schiffler, Markus; Becken, Michael; Schneider, Michael; Chubak, Glenn20242024, vol.91, no.1