

文集名Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2022
会议名31st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2022)
机构European Neural Network Society (ENNS)
会议日期September 6-9, 2022
会议地点Bristol, UK

Alleviating Overconfident Failure Predictions via Masking Predictive Logits in Semantic SegmentationQuan Tang; Fagui Liu; Jun Jiang; Yu Zhang; Xuhao Tang2022
Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Hierachical Communication ArchitectureShifan Liu; Quan Yuan; Bo Chen; Guiyang Luo; Jinglin Li2022
Emotion Aware Reinforcement Network for Visual StorytellingXin Li; Hanqing Cai; Tianling Jiang; Chunping Liu; Yi Ji2022
Long-Horizon Route-Constrained Policy for Learning Continuous Control Without ExplorationRuidong Cao; Min Dong; Xuanlu Jiang; Sheng Bi; Ning Xi2022
Model-Based Offline Adaptive Policy Optimization with Episodic MemoryHongye Cao; Qianru Wei; Jiangbin Zheng; Yanqing Shi2022
Multi-mode Light: Learning Special Collaboration Patterns for Traffic Signal ControlZhi Chen; Shengjie Zhao; Hao Deng2022
Pheromone-inspired Communication Framework for Large-scale Multi-agent Reinforcement LearningZixuan Cao; Xiujun Ma; Mengzhi Shi; Zhanbo Zhao2022
Reinforcement Learning for the Pickup and Delivery ProblemFagui Liu; Chengqi Lai; Lvshengbiao Wang2022
Towards Relational Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Inductive Logic ProgrammingGuangxia Li; Gang Xiao; Junbo Zhang; Jia Liu; Yulong Shen2022
Understanding Reinforcement Learning Based Localisation as a Probabilistic Inference AlgorithmTaku Yamagata; Raul Santos-Rodriguez; Robert Piechocki; Peter Flach2022
Word-by-Word Generation of Visual Dialog Using Reinforcement LearningYuliia Lysa; Cornelius Weber; Dennis Becker; Stefan Wermter2022
A Novel Approach to Train Diverse Types of Language Models for Health Mention Classification of TweetsPervaiz Iqbal Khan; Imran Razzak; Andreas Dengel; Sheraz Ahmed2022
Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Relation ClassificationHaorui He; Yuanzhe Ren; Zheng Li; Jing Xue2022
An Adversarial Multi-task Learning Method for Chinese Text Correction with Semantic DetectionFanyu Wang; Zhenping Xie2022
An Unsupervised Sentence Embedding Method by Maximizing the Mutual Information of Augmented Text RepresentationsTianye Sheng; Lisong Wang; Zongfeng He; Mingjie Sun; Guohua Jiang2022
Analysis of COVID-19 5G Conspiracy Theory Tweets Using SentenceBERT EmbeddingOr Elroy; Abraham Yosipof2022
Chinese Named Entity Recognition Using the Improved Transformer Encoder and the Lexicon AdapterMingjie Sun; Lisong Wang; Tianye Sheng; Zongfeng He; Yuhua Huang2022
Concatenating BioMed-Transformers to Tackle Long Medical Documents and to Improve the Prediction of Tail-End LabelsVithya Yogarajan; Bernhard Pfahringer; Tony Smith; Jacob Montiel2022
Eliciting Knowledge from Pretrained Language Models for Prototypical Prompt VerbalizerYinyi Wei; Tong Mo; Yongtao Jiang; Weiping Li; Wen Zhao2022
Integrating Label Semantic Similarity Scores into Multi-label Text ClassificationZihao Chen; Yang Liu; Baitai Cheng; Jing Peng2022