

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2001, vol.17, no.1 2001, vol.17, no.2 2001, vol.17, no.3-4 2001, vol.17, no.5 2001, vol.17, no.6

An algebraic approach to formal verification of microprocessorsKanji Hirabayashi20012001, vol.17, no.6
On using twisted-ring counters for test set embedding in BISTShivakumar Swaminathan; Krishnendu Chakrabarty20012001, vol.17, no.6
Why is combinational ATPG efficiently solvable for practical VLSI circuits?Mukul R. Prasad; Philip Chong; Kurt Keutzer20012001, vol.17, no.6
Fault models and test procedures for flash memory disturbancesMohammad Gh. Mohammad; Kewal K. Saluja; Alex S. Yap20012001, vol.17, no.6
Fault diagnosis for linear analog circuitsJun Weir Lin; Chung Len Lee; Chau Chin Su; Jwu-E Chen20012001, vol.17, no.6
Fault diagnosis of nonlinear analog circuits using neural networks with wavelet and Fourier transforms as preprocessorsFarzan Aminian; Mehran Aminian20012001, vol.17, no.6
Generation of electrically induced stimuli for MEMS self-testBenoit Charlot; Salvador Mir; Fabien Parrain; Bernard Courtois20012001, vol.17, no.6
Test and testability of a monolithic MEMS for magnetic field sensingV. Beroulle; Y. Bertrand; L. Latorre; P. Nouet20012001, vol.17, no.5
Fault modeling and fault simulation in mixed micro-fluidic microelectronic systemsHans G. Kerkhoff; Hans P. A. Hendriks20012001, vol.17, no.5
Reducing test time in the high-volume production of analog circuits using efficient test-vector generation and interpolation techniquesMustapha Slamani; Karim Arabi20012001, vol.17, no.5