

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2002, vol.18, no.1 2002, vol.18, no.2 2002, vol.18, no.3 2002, vol.18, no.4-5 2002, vol.18, no.6

Test generation for crosstalk-induced faults: framework and computational resultsWei-Yu Chen; Sandeep K. Gupta; Melvin A. Breuer20022002, vol.18, no.1
Fast hierarchical test path construction for circuits with DFT-free controller-datapath interfaceYiorgos Makris; Jamison Collins; Alex Orailoglu20022002, vol.18, no.1
An efficient deterministic test pattern generator for scan-based BIST environmentWei-Lun Wang; Kuen-Jong Lee20022002, vol.18, no.1
Sequential circuits with combinational test generation complexity under single-fault assumptionMichiko Inoue; Emil Gizdarski; Hideo Fujiwara20022002, vol.18, no.1
State and fault information for compaction-based test generationAshish Giani; Shuo Sheng; Michael S. Hsiao; Vishwani D. Agrawal20022002, vol.18, no.1
TA-PSV-timing analysis for partially specified vectorsLiang-Chi Chen; Sandeep K. Gupta; Melvin A. Breuer20022002, vol.18, no.1
Analysis of application of the IDDQ technique to the deep sub-micro VLSI testingChih-Wen Lu; Chung Len Lee; Chauchin Su; Jwu-E Chen20022002, vol.18, no.1