

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2003, vol.19, no.1 2003, vol.19, no.2 2003, vol.19, no.3 2003, vol.19, no.4 2003, vol.19, no.5 2003, vol.19, no.6

On-Line Techniques for Error Detection and Correction in Processor Registers with Cross-Parity CheckM. Pflanz; K. Walther, C. Galke; H. T. Vierhaus20032003, vol.19, no.5
Error Correcting Strategy for High Speed and High Density Reliable Flash MemoriesD. Rossi; C. Metra20032003, vol.19, no.5
An Architecture for Self-Healing Digital SystemsP. K. Lala; B. Kiran Kumar20032003, vol.19, no.5
On-Line Monitor Design of Finite-State MachinesFeng Gao; John P. Hayes20032003, vol.19, no.5
BIST-Based Delay-Fault Testing in FPGAsMiron Abramovici; Charles E. Stroud20032003, vol.19, no.5
Multi-Level Fault Injections in VHDL Descriptions: Alternative Approaches and ExperimentsR. Leveugle; K. Hadjiat20032003, vol.19, no.5
Accurate Analysis of Single Event Upsets in a Pipelined MicroprocessorM. Rebaudengo; M. Sonza Reorda; M. Violante20032003, vol.19, no.5
A Statistical Sampler for a New On-Line Analog Test MethodMarcelo Negreiros; Luigi Carro; Altamiro A. Susin20032003, vol.19, no.5
A BICS for CMOS OpAmps by Monitoring the Supply Current PeakJ. Font; J. Ginard; R. Picos; E. Isern; J. Segura; M. Roca And E. Garcia20032003, vol.19, no.5