

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2004, vol.20, no.1 2004, vol.20, no.2 2004, vol.20, no.3 2004, vol.20, no.4 2004, vol.20, no.5 2004, vol.20, no.6

Design of Embedded Self-Testing Checkers for UED and BUED CodesSTEFFEN TARNICK20042004, vol.20, no.5
An Analog Checker with Input-Relative Tolerance for Duplicate SignalsHARALAMPOS-G. D. STRATIGOPOULOS; YIORGOS MAKRIS20042004, vol.20, no.5
Efficient Realization of Parity Prediction Functions in FPGAsSEOK-BUM KO; JIEN-CHUNGLO20042004, vol.20, no.5
Model for Transient Fault Susceptibility of Combinational CircuitsMARTIN OMANA; DANIELE ROSSI; CECILIA METRA; M. Sonza Reorda20042004, vol.20, no.5
A New Approach to the Analysis of Single Event Transients in VLSI CircuitsM. SONZA REORDA; M. VIOLANTE20042004, vol.20, no.5
A Circuit for Concurrent Detection of Soft and Timing Errors in Digital CMOS ICsS. MATAKIAS; Y. TSIATOUHAS; A. ARAPOYANNI; TH. HANIOTAKIS20042004, vol.20, no.5
IC Cost Reduction by Applying Embedded Fault Tolerance for Soft ErrorsANDRE K. NIEUWLAND; RICHARD P. KLEIHORST20042004, vol.20, no.5
A Two-Level Power-Grid Model for Transient Current Testing EvaluationB. ALORDA; V. CANALS; J. SEGURA20042004, vol.20, no.5
Error Detection Enhancement in COTS Superscalar Processors with Performance Monitoring FeaturesAMIR RAJABZADEH; SEYED GHASSEM MIREMADI; MIRZAD MOHANDESPOUR20042004, vol.20, no.5