

刊名Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

2009, vol.22, no.1 2009, vol.22, no.2 2009, vol.22, no.3 2009, vol.22, no.4/5 2009, vol.22, no.6 2009, vol.22, no.7
2009, vol.22, no.8

Distributed control of production systemsDamien Trentesaux20092009, vol.22, no.7
Agent-based distributed manufacturing control: A state-of-the-art surveyPaulo Leitao20092009, vol.22, no.7
Coordinating product, process, and supply chain decisions: A constraint satisfaction approachJianxin (Roger) Jiao; Qianli Xu; Zhang Wu; Ngai-Kheong Ng20092009, vol.22, no.7
A modified genetic algorithm approach for scheduling of perfect maintenance in distributed production schedulingS. H. Chung; Felix T. S. Chan; H. K. Chan20092009, vol.22, no.7
Assessing ease of reconfiguration of conventional and Holonic manufacturing systems: Approach and case studyWutthiphat Covanich; Duncan McFarlane20092009, vol.22, no.7
Using online simulation in Holonic manufacturing systemsOlivier Cardin; Pierre Castagna20092009, vol.22, no.7
PROSIS: An isoarchic structure for HMS controlPatrick Pujo; Nicolas Broissin; Fouzia Ounnar20092009, vol.22, no.7
Agent-based negotiation and decision making for dynamic supply chain formationMinhong Wang; Huaiqing Wang; Doug Vogel; Kuldeep Kumar; Dickson K. W. Chiu20092009, vol.22, no.7
Extending process automation systems with multi-agent techniquesI. Seilonen; T. Pirttioja; K. Koskinen20092009, vol.22, no.7
An iterative agent bidding mechanism for responsive manufacturingM. K. Lim; Z. Zhang; W. T. Goh20092009, vol.22, no.7