

刊名Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

1999, vol.12, no.1 1999, vol.12, no.2 1999, vol.12, no.3 1999, vol.12, no.4 1999, vol.12, no.5 1999, vol.12, no.6

The development and utilization of the case-based help-desk support system HOMERMehmet H. Goker; Thomas Roth-Berghofer19991999, vol.12, no.6
Integrating diverse information resources in a case-based design environmentDavid B. Leake; Larry Birnbaum; Kristian Hammond; Cameron Marlow; Hao Yang19991999, vol.12, no.6
Integrating case-based reasoning and hypermedia documentation: an application for the diagnosis of a welding robot at Odense steel shipyardEric Auriol; Richard M. Crowder; Rob McKendrick; Roger Rowe; Thomas Knudsen19991999, vol.12, no.6
ICARUS: design and deployment of a case-based reasoning system for locomotive diagnosticsAnil Varma; Nicholas Roddy19991999, vol.12, no.6
CBR for the management and reuse of image-processing expertise: a conversational systemV. Ficet-Cauchard; C. Porquet; M. Revenu19991999, vol.12, no.6
Case-based reasoning techniques to support reusability in a requirement engineering and system design toolHerbert Praehofer; Josef Kerschbaummayr19991999, vol.12, no.6
An architecture for a CBR image segmentation systemPetra Perner19991999, vol.12, no.6
Transferable belief model in fault diagnosisAndrej Rakar; Dani Juricic; Peter Balle19991999, vol.12, no.5
Signal understanding and tool condition monitoringR. Du19991999, vol.12, no.5
Railway track possession assignment using constraint satisfactionBruce S. N. Cheung; K. P. Chow; Lucas C. K. Hui; Alvin M. K. Yong19991999, vol.12, no.5