

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2015, vol.31, no.1 2015, vol.31, no.2 2015, vol.31, no.3 2015, vol.31, no.4 2015, vol.31, no.5/6

UntitledAgrawal, Vishwani D.20152015, vol.31, no.2
Digital Calibration for 8-bit Delay Line ADC Using Harmonic Distortion CorrectionLee, Hsun-Cheng; Abraham, Jacob A.20152015, vol.31, no.2
Application-Based Analysis of Register File Criticality for Reliability Assessment in Embedded MicroprocessorsRestrepo-Calle, Felipe; Cuenca-Asensi, Sergio; Martinez-Alvarez, Antonio; Chielle, Eduardo; Kastensmidt, Fernanda Lima20152015, vol.31, no.2
Scalable and Optimized Hybrid Verification of Embedded SoftwareBehrend, Joerg; Lettnin, Djones; Gruenhage, Alexander; Ruf, Juergen; Kropf, Thomas; Rosenstiel, Wolfgang20152015, vol.31, no.2
Reusing RTL Assertion Checkers for Verification of SystemC TLM ModelsBombieri, Nicola; Fummi, Franco; Guarnieri, Valerio; Pravadelli, Graziano; Stefanni, Francesco; Ghasempouri, Tara; Lora, Michele; Auditore, Giovanni; Marcigaglia, Mirella Negro20152015, vol.31, no.2
A Determinate Radiation Hardened Technique for Safety-Critical CMOS DesignsHsu, Dennis K. -H.; Huang, Ryan H. -M.; Wen, Charles H. -P.20152015, vol.31, no.2
Formal Quantification of the Register Vulnerabilities to Soft Error in RTL Control PathsChen, Liang; Ebrahimi, Mojtaba; Tahoori, Mehdi B.20152015, vol.31, no.2
A Shift-Register Based BIST Architecture for FPGA Global Interconnect Testing and DiagnosisPereira, Igor Gadelha; Dias, Leonardo Alves; de Souza, Cleonilson Protasio20152015, vol.31, no.2
Analog Circuits Soft Fault Diagnosis Using Renyi's EntropyXie, Xuan; Li, Xifeng; Bi, Dongjie; Zhou, Qizhong; Xie, Sanshan; Xie, Yongle20152015, vol.31, no.2
UntitledAgrawal, Vishwani D.20152015, vol.31, no.2