

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2016, vol.32, no.1 2016, vol.32, no.2 2016, vol.32, no.3 2016, vol.32, no.4 2016, vol.32, no.5 2016, vol.32, no.6

Mahalanobis Distance Based Approach for Anomaly Detection of Analog Filters Using Frequency Features and Parzen Window Density EstimationHu, Zewen; Xiao, Mingqing; Zhang, Lei; Liu, Shuai; Ge, Yawei20162016, vol.32, no.6
Analog Circuit Test Point Selection Incorporating Discretization-Based Fuzzification and Extended Fault Dictionary to Handle Component TolerancesCui, Yiqian; Shi, Junyou; Wang, Zili20162016, vol.32, no.6
Four-Port Network Parameters Extraction Method for Partially Depleted SOI with Body-Contact StructureLiu, Jun; Huang, Yu Ping; Lu, Kai20162016, vol.32, no.6
A Routability-Aware Algorithm for Both Global and Local Interconnect Resource Test and Diagnosis of Xilinx SRAM-FPGAsRuan, Aiwu; Huang, Haiyang; Wang, Jingwu; Zhao, Yifan20162016, vol.32, no.6
Optimal Selective Count Compatible Runlength Encoding for SOC Test Data CompressionVohra, Harpreet; Singh, Amardeep20162016, vol.32, no.6
An Effective Power-Aware At-Speed Test Methodology for IP Qualification and CharacterizationJuneja, Kapil; Patel, Darayus Adil; Immadi, Rajesh Kumar; Singh, Balwant; Naudet, Sylvie; Agarwal, Pankaj; Virazel, Arnaud; Girard, Patrick20162016, vol.32, no.6
New Methodology for Complete Properties Extraction from Simulation Traces Guided with Static AnalysisHanafy, Mohamed; Said, Hazem; Wahba, Ayman M.20162016, vol.32, no.6
Instruction-Vulnerability-Factor-Based Reliability Analysis Model for Program MemoryChen, Qingyu; Chen, Li; Wang, Haibin; Wu, Longsheng; Li, Yuanqing; Zhao, Xing; Chen, Mo20162016, vol.32, no.6
UntitledAgrawal, Vishwani D.20162016, vol.32, no.6
Reliability Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Bus-Based Interconnection NetworksBistouni, Fathollah; Jahanshahi, Mohsen20162016, vol.32, no.5