

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2018, vol.34, no.1 2018, vol.34, no.2 2018, vol.34, no.3 2018, vol.34, no.4 2018, vol.34, no.5 2018, vol.34, no.6

LFSR Reseeding-Oriented Low-Power Test-Compression Architecture for Scan DesignsHaiying Yuan; Changshi Zhou; Xun Sun; Kai Zhang; Tong Zheng; Chang Liu; Xiuyu Wang20182018, vol.34, no.6
Security Analysis of the Efficient Chaos Pseudo-random Number Generator Applied to Video EncryptionDragan Lambi?; Aleksandar Jankovi?; Musheer Ahmad20182018, vol.34, no.6
New Lightweight Architectures for Secure FSM Design to Thwart Fault Injection and Trojan AttacksVijaypal Singh Rathor; Bharat Garg; G. K. Sharma20182018, vol.34, no.6
Upgrading In-Circuit Test of High Density PCBAs Using Electromagnetic Measurement and Principal Component AnalysisNabil El Belghiti Alaoui; Alexandre Boyer; Patrick Tounsi; Arnaud Viard20182018, vol.34, no.6
Design Flow Methodology for Radiation Hardened by Design CMOS Enclosed-Layout-Transistor-Based Standard-Cell LibraryPablo Ilha Vaz; Thiago Hanna Both; Fábio Fedrizzi Vidor; Raphael Martins Brum; Gilson Inácio Wirth20182018, vol.34, no.6
EditorialVishwani D. Agrawal20182018, vol.34, no.6
A Simplified Calibration Methodology for On-Chip CouplersWei Jiang; Guoan Wang20182018, vol.34, no.6
Blind Calibration Method for Two-Channel Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters Based on FFTXu Bai; Hui Hu; Wanjun Li; Fulu Liu20182018, vol.34, no.6
A Fine-Grained Software-Implemented DMA Fault Tolerance for SoC Against Soft ErrorXiaozhi Du; Dongyang Luo; Chaohui He; Shuhuan Liu20182018, vol.34, no.6
Generation Methodology for Good-Enough Approximate Modules of ATMRAbdus Sami Hassan; Tooba Arifeen; Hossein Moradian; Jeong-A Lee20182018, vol.34, no.6