

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2018, vol.34, no.1 2018, vol.34, no.2 2018, vol.34, no.3 2018, vol.34, no.4 2018, vol.34, no.5 2018, vol.34, no.6

Test Technology Newsletter 20182018, vol.34, no.3
Digital Predistortion for Spectrum Compliance in the Internet of ThingsSiyuan Yan; Xiao Li; Changhong Jiang; Hui Li; Lingmei Wang; Fu Li20182018, vol.34, no.3
Reliability Testing of 3D-Printed Electromechanical Scanning DevicesB. Mert G?nülta?; Janset Sava?; Ramin Khayatzadeh; Sacid Aygün; Fehmi ?ivitci; Y. Da?han G?kdel; M. Berke Yelten; Onur Ferhano?lu20182018, vol.34, no.3
Practical Harmonic Cancellation Techniques for the On-Chip Implementation of Sinusoidal Signal Generators for Mixed-Signal BIST ApplicationsHani Malloug; Manuel J. Barragan; Salvador Mir20182018, vol.34, no.3
Measuring Group Delay of Frequency Downconverter Devices Using a Chirped RF Modulated SignalPeter Sarson; Tomonori Yanagida; Kosuke Machida20182018, vol.34, no.3
Golden-Free Processor Hardware Trojan Detection Using Bit Power Consistency AnalysisYang Zhang; Houde Quan; Xiongwei Li; Kaiyan Chen20182018, vol.34, no.3
Gate Oxide Short Defect Model in FinFETsRoya Dibaj; Dhamin Al-Khalili; Maitham Shams20182018, vol.34, no.3
EditorialVishwani D. Agrawal20182018, vol.34, no.3
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Analog, Mixed-Signal, and RF TestingKe Huang; Manuel J. Barragan20182018, vol.34, no.3
A Distortion Shaping Technique to Equalize Intermodulation Distortion Performance of Interpolating Arbitrary Waveform Generators in Automated Test EquipmentPeter Sarson; Tomonori Yanagida; Shohei Shibuya; Kosuke Machida; Haruo Kobayashi20182018, vol.34, no.3