

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2021, vol.37, no.1 2021, vol.37, no.2 2021, vol.37, no.3 2021, vol.37, no.4 2021, vol.37, no.5/6

Fault Tolerant Lanczos Eigensolver via an Invariant Checking MethodLoh, Felix; Saluja, Kewal K.; Ramanathan, Parameswaran20212021, vol.37, no.3
A Secure and Robust PUF-based Key Generation with Wiretap Polar Coset CodesBai, Yonghong; Yan, Zhiyuan20212021, vol.37, no.3
Evaluation of Single Event Upset Susceptibility of FinFET-based SRAMs with Weak Resistive DefectsCopetti, Thiago; Cardoso Medeiros, Guilherme; Taouil, Mottaqiallah; Hamdioui, Said; Bolzani Poehls, Leticia; Balen, Tiago20212021, vol.37, no.3
Failure Mechanism and Sampling Frequency Dependency on TID Response of SAR ADCsGonzalez, Carlos J.; Costa, Bruno L.; Machado, Diego N.; Vaz, Rafael G.; Boas, Alexis C. Vilas; Goncalez, Odair L.; Puchner, Helmut; Kastensmidt, Fernanda L.; Medina, Nilberto H.; Guazzelli, Marcilei A.; Balen, Tiago R.20212021, vol.37, no.3
Hardware Trojan Free Netlist Identification: A Clustering ApproachMondal, Anindan; Biswal, Rajesh Kumar; Mahalat, Mahabub Hasan; Roy, Suchismita; Sen, Bibhash20212021, vol.37, no.3
A Numeral System Based Framework for Improved One-Lambda Crosstalk Avoidance Code Using Recursive Symmetry FormulaTaali, M.; Shirmohammadi, Z.20212021, vol.37, no.3
Spectrum Analyzer Based on a Dynamic FilterHerasimov, S.; Borysenko, M.; Roshchupkin, E.; Hrabchak, V., I; Nastishin, Yu A.20212021, vol.37, no.3
Resistance of the Montgomery Ladder Against Simple SCA: Theory and PracticeKabin, Ievgen; Dyka, Zoya; Klann, Dan; Aftowicz, Marcin; Langendoerfer, Peter20212021, vol.37, no.3
Measurement and Simulation of the Near Magnetic Field Radiated by Integrated Magnetic InductorsBoukhari, M. I.; Oumar, D. A.; Capraro, S.; Pietroy, D.; Chatelon, J. P.; Rousseau, J. J.20212021, vol.37, no.3
Analysis and Detection of Open-gate Defects in Redundant Structures of a FinFET SRAM CellChampac, Victor; Mesalles, Javier; Villacorta, Hector; Vargas, Fabian20212021, vol.37, no.3