

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2022, vol.38, no.1 2022, vol.38, no.2 2022, vol.38, no.3 2022, vol.38, no.4 2022, vol.38, no.5 2022, vol.38, no.6

A Review of Various Defects in PCBSankar V. Udaya; Lakshmi Gayathri; Sankar Y. Siva20222022, vol.38, no.5
Test Technology Newsletter 20222022, vol.38, no.5
EditorialAgrawal Vishwani D.20222022, vol.38, no.5
Efficient Design of Rounding-Based Approximate Multiplier Using Modified Karatsuba AlgorithmRao E. Jagadeeswara; Rao K. Tarakeswara; Ramya K. Sudha; Ajaykumar D.; Trinadh R.20222022, vol.38, no.5
AFIA: ATPG-Guided Fault Injection Attack on Secure Logic LockingZhong Yadi; Jain Ayush; Rahman M. Tanjidur; Asadizanjani Navid; Xie Jiafeng; Guin Ujjwal20222022, vol.38, no.5
Achieving Agility in Projects Through Hierarchical Divisive Clustering AlgorithmKarthika R. A.; Varun Janani20222022, vol.38, no.5
Self Healing Controllers to Mitigate SEU in the Control Path of FPGA Based System: A Complete Intrinsic Evolutionary ApproachDeepanjali S; Sk Noor Mahammad20222022, vol.38, no.5
2021 JETTA-TTTC Best Paper Award 20222022, vol.38, no.5
Influence of Printed Circuit Board Dynamics on the Fretting Wear of Electronic Connectors: A Dynamic Analysis ApproachDoranga Sushil; Zhou Jenny; Poudel Ram20222022, vol.38, no.5
Using both Stable and Unstable SRAM Bits for the Physical Unclonable FunctionLai Zhi-Wei; Huang Po-Hua; Lee Kuen-Jong20222022, vol.38, no.5