

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2022, vol.38, no.1 2022, vol.38, no.2 2022, vol.38, no.3 2022, vol.38, no.4 2022, vol.38, no.5 2022, vol.38, no.6

Development of a Simplified Programming Kit Based 16LF18856 for Embedded Systems Testing and Education in Developing CountriesNguimfack-Ndongmo Jean de Dieu; Kentsa Zana Kevin; Asoh Derek Ajesam; Kengnou Telem Nicole Adéla?de; Kuate-Fochie René; Kenné Godpromesse20222022, vol.38, no.6
A CatBoost Based Approach to Detect Label Flipping Poisoning Attack in Hardware Trojan Detection SystemsSharma G.?K.; Pattanaik Manisha; Sharma Richa20222022, vol.38, no.6
A Polynomial Transform Method for Hardware Systematic Error Identification and Correction in Semiconductor Multi-Site TestingFarayola Praise O.; Bruce Isaac; Chaganti Shravan K.; Sheikh Abalhassan; Ravi Srivaths; Chen Degang20222022, vol.38, no.6
Smell Detection Agent Optimization Approach to Path Generation in Automated Software TestingChandra S. S. Vinod; Sankar S. Saju; Anand H. S.20222022, vol.38, no.6
Effect of Sizing and Scaling on Power Dissipation and Resilience of an RHBD SRAM CircuitPrakash Neelam Rup; Kaur Jasbir; Pannu Neha20222022, vol.38, no.6
EditorialAgrawal Vishwani D.20222022, vol.38, no.6
A Complete Design-for-Test Scheme for Reconfigurable Scan NetworksLylina Natalia; Wang Chih-Hao; Wunderlich Hans-Joachim20222022, vol.38, no.6
Design and Evaluation of XOR Arbiter Physical Unclonable Function and its Implementation on FPGA in Hardware Security ApplicationsNaveenkumar R.; Sivamangai N. M.; Napolean A.; Priya S. Sridevi Sathya20222022, vol.38, no.6
Test Technology Newsletter 20222022, vol.38, no.6