

参考译名控制论 - 国际系统与控制论杂志


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
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2022, vol.51, no.1 2022, vol.51, no.10 2022, vol.51, no.11 2022, vol.51, no.12 2022, vol.51, no.2 2022, vol.51, no.3
2022, vol.51, no.4 2022, vol.51, no.5 2022, vol.51, no.6 2022, vol.51, no.7 2022, vol.51, no.8 2022, vol.51, no.9

Niklas Luhmann's anti-totalitarian observation of systemsLaursen, Klaus Brond; Harste, Gorm20222022, vol.51, no.5
An allergy of society: on the question of how a societal "lockdown" becomes possibleRawel, Jorg20222022, vol.51, no.5
The demoralization of society and the proliferation of organizationRachlitz, Kurt; Grossmann-Hensel, Benjamin; Friedl, Ronja20222022, vol.51, no.5
Escalating complexity and fragmentation of mental health service systems: the role of recovery as a form of moral communicationWeaver, Nicholas20222022, vol.51, no.5
The circular economy: rearranging structural couplings and the paradox of moral-based sustainability-enhancing feedbackNeisig, Margit20222022, vol.51, no.5
Moral communication and legal uncertainty in small and medium enterprisesWinczorek, Jan20222022, vol.51, no.5
Adaptive governance learning from what organizations do and managing the role they playvan Assche, Kristof; Valentinov, Vladislav; Verschraegen, Gert20222022, vol.51, no.5
Demoralizing: integrating JD Peters' communication "chasm" with Niklas Luhmann's (1989) ecological communication to analyze climate change mitigation inactionMiller, Jacob A.20222022, vol.51, no.5
Double symmetry in Niklas Luhmann's moral communicationHiguchi, Ayumi20222022, vol.51, no.5
Systems-theoretical observations of moral media panic debatesTaekke, Jesper20222022, vol.51, no.5