

刊名Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007

2005, vol.42, no.1 2005, vol.42, no.10 2005, vol.42, no.11 2005, vol.42, no.12 2005, vol.42, no.2 2005, vol.42, no.3
2005, vol.42, no.4 2005, vol.42, no.5 2005, vol.42, no.6 2005, vol.42, no.7 2005, vol.42, no.8 2005, vol.42, no.9

Depth-Dose-Distribution Control for Incident Beam Directionality and Irradiation Field Size in Boron Neutron Capture TherapyYoshinori SAKURAI20052005, vol.42, no.1
Three-dimensional Core Design of High Temperature Supercritical-Pressure Light Water Reactor with Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic CouplingAkifumi YAMAJI; Yoshiaki OKA; Seiichi KOSHIZUKA20052005, vol.42, no.1
Sensitivity Analysis of Numerical Results of One- and Two-dimensional Advection-Diffusion ProblemsYasunori MOTOYAMA; Nobuatsu TANAKA20052005, vol.42, no.1
Evaluation of the Energy Conversion Ratio of Vapor Explosions for the Assessment of Nuclear Reactor SafetyJie LIU; Seiichi KOSHIZUKA; Yoshiaki OKA20052005, vol.42, no.1
Critical Power Correlation for Tight-Lattice Rod BundlesWei LIU; Masatoshi KURETA; Akira OHNUKI; Hajime AKIMOTO20052005, vol.42, no.1
Evaluation of Reflux Condensation Heat Transfer of Steam-Air Mixtures under Gas-Liquid Countercurrent Flow in a Vertical TubeTakashi NAGAE; Michio MURASE; Tiejun WU; Karen VIEROW20052005, vol.42, no.1
Investigation of Hydride Rim Effect on Failure of Zircaloy-4 Cladding with Tube Burst TestFumihisa NAGASE; Toyoshi FUKETA20052005, vol.42, no.1
Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Corrosion of Stainless Steel, (III) Evaluation of Electric Resistance of Oxide Film by Equivalent Circuit Analysis for Frequency Dependent Complex ImpedancesShunsuke UCHIDA; Tomonori SATOH; Junichi SUGAMA; Naoya YAMASHIRO; Yusuke MORISHIMA; Tatsuya HIROSE; Takahiro MIYAZAWA; Yoshiyuki SATOH; Koichi IINUMA; Yoichi WADA; Masahiko TACHIBANA20052005, vol.42, no.1
Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Radioactive Cobalt Deposition on Stainless Steel Surface in High Temperature WaterNaoshi USUI; Motomasa FUSE; Hideyuki HOSOKAWA; Shunsuke UCHIDA20052005, vol.42, no.1
Simultaneous Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydroxylamine and Iodate in Basic Media by Differential Pulse PolarographySandrine COMBEAU; Sophie LEGEAI; Michelle CHATELUT; Olivier VITTORI; Frederic DEVISME20052005, vol.42, no.1