



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2002, no.1 2002, no.10 2002, no.11 2002, no.12 2002, no.2 2002, no.3
2002, no.4 2002, no.5 2002, no.6 2002, no.7 2002, no.8 2002, no.9

Regularized methods of calculating steady-state operating conditions of electric power systemsV. I. Tarasov20022002, no.12
Optimization of the operating conditions of an extra high-voltage power line with intermediate substationsA. B. Balametov20022002, no.12
A calculation of thermal and moisture conditions of the soil along the route of a power lineV. P. Kobylin; P. P. Permyakov; N. N. Platonov20022002, no.12
A determination of the permissible voltage deviation limits at a center supplying power to urban power networks taking into-account the statistical characteristics of the operating parametersYe. A. Konyukhova20022002, no.12
An integrated method of restoring a power supply system for the consumers of a power distribution networkM. I. Uspenskii; I. V. Kyzrodev20022002, no.12
Multilevel threephase autonomous voltage invertersA. Z. Asanov; E. A. Romanovskii20022002, no.12
On Potier's reactance of a salient-pole synchronous machineG. Odilov20022002, no.12
The principle of minimum and one possible explanation of Guber's effectM. I. Gramm20022002, no.12
Регуляризованные методы расчета установившихся режимов электроэнергетических системТАРАСОВ, В. И.20022002, no.12
Об оптимизации режимов электропередачи сверхвысокого напряжения с промежуточными подстанциямиБАЛАМЕТОВ, А. Б.20022002, no.12