

刊名European Journal of Mechanics


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2012, vol.31 2012, vol.32 2012, vol.33 2012, vol.34 2012, vol.35 2012, vol.36

Experimental and numerical investigation of the internal kinematics of a surf-zone plunging breakerNarumon Emarat; David I. M. Forehand; Erik D. Christensen; Clive A. Greated20122012, vol.32
A dynamic equation for water waves in one horizontal dimensionA. I. Dyachenko; V. E. Zakharov20122012, vol.32
Hamiltonian higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equations for broader-banded waves on deep waterWalter Craig; Philippe Guyenne; Catherine Sulem20122012, vol.32
On near-trapped modes and fictitious frequencies for water wave problems containing an array of circular cylinders using a null-field boundary integral equationJeng-Tzong Chen; Chine-Feng Wu; I-Lin Chen; Jia-Wei Lee20122012, vol.32
Implementation of a transpiration velocity based cavitation model within a RANSE solverSurasak Phoemsapthawee; Jean-Baptiste Leroux; Steven Kerampran; Jean-Marc Laurens20122012, vol.32
Turbulent velocity measurements in open channel boresHubert Chanson; Nicholas J. Docherty20122012, vol.32
Experimental and numerical investigation of the dynamic response of structures subjected to underwater explosionJian Li; Ji-li Rong20122012, vol.32
A comparison of the shear stress distribution in the bottom boundary layer of experimental density and turbidity currentsRemo Cossu; Mathew G. Wells20122012, vol.32
Oscillations of a liquid spherical drop encapsulated by a non-concentric spherical layer of dissimilar liquidD. V. Lyubimov; V. V. Konovalov; T. P. Lyubimova; I. Egry20122012, vol.32
Instantaneous swimming velocity of a body at low Reynolds numberB. U. Felderhof20122012, vol.32