

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2017, vol.33, no.1 2017, vol.33, no.2 2017, vol.33, no.3 2017, vol.33, no.4 2017, vol.33, no.5 2017, vol.33, no.6

EditorialAgrawal, Vishwani D.20172017, vol.33, no.1
Test Technology NewsletterTheocharides, Theo20172017, vol.33, no.1
Test Planning for Core-based Integrated Circuits under Power ConstraintsSenGupta, Breeta; Nikolov, Dimitar; Ingelsson, Urban; Larsson, Erik20172017, vol.33, no.1
A Low-Cost Reliability vs. Cost Trade-Off Methodology to Selectively Harden Logic CircuitsWali, I.; Deveautour, B.; Virazel, Arnaud; Bosio, A.; Girard, P.; Reorda, M. Sonza20172017, vol.33, no.1
Radiation-Induced Fault Simulation of SOI/SOS CMOS LSI's Using Universal Rad-SPICE MOSFET ModelPetrosyants, Konstantin O.; Sambursky, Lev M.; Kharitonov, Igor A.; Lvov, Boris G.20172017, vol.33, no.1
A High-Level Approach to Analyze the Effects of Soft Errors on Lossless Compression AlgorithmsAvramenko, Serhiy; Reorda, Matteo Sonza; Violante, Massimo; Fey, Goerschwin20172017, vol.33, no.1
On the Consolidation of Mixed Criticalities Applications on Multicore ArchitecturesEsposito, Stefano; Violante, Massimo20172017, vol.33, no.1
A HW/SW Cross-Layer Approach for Determining Application-Redundant Hardware Faults in Embedded SystemsBartsch, Christian; Villarraga, Carlos; Stoffel, Dominik; Kunz, Wolfgang20172017, vol.33, no.1
An Efficient Reverse Engineering Hardware Trojan Detector Using Histogram of Oriented GradientsNasr, Abdurrahman A.; Abdulmageed, Mohamed Z.20172017, vol.33, no.1
Golden-Free Hardware Trojan Detection with High Sensitivity Under Process NoiseHoque, Tamzidul; Narasimhan, Seetharam; Wang, Xinmu; Mal-Sarkar, Sanchita; Bhunia, Swarup20172017, vol.33, no.1