

刊名ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2005, vol.10, no.1 2005, vol.10, no.2 2005, vol.10, no.3 2005, vol.10, no.4

An Event-Based Monitoring Service for Networks on ChipCALIN CIORDAS; TWAN BASTEN20052005, vol.10, no.4
Test Chip Experimental Results on High-level Structural TestAHMAD A. AL-YAMANI; EDWARD J. McCLUSKEY20052005, vol.10, no.4
Instruction-Level Test Methodology for CPU Core Self-TestingSAEED SHAMSHIRI; HADI ESMAEILZADEH; ZAINALABDEIN NAVABI20052005, vol.10, no.4
Simplifying the Design and Automating the Verification of Pipelines with Structural HazardsJASON T. HIGGINS; MARK D. AAGAARD20052005, vol.10, no.4
Using 2-Dornain Partitioned OBDD Data Structure in an Enhanced Symbolic SimulatorTAG FENG; LI-C. WANG; KWANG-TING (TIM) CHENG; CHIH-CHANG (ANDY) LIN20052005, vol.10, no.4
Equivalence Checking Between Behavioral and RTL Descriptions with Virtual Controllers and DatapathsMASAHIRO FUJITA20052005, vol.10, no.4
XFM: An Incremental Methodology for Developing Formal ModelsSYED M. SUHAIB; DEEPAK A. MATHAIKUTTY; SANDEEP K. SHUKLA; DAVID BERNER20052005, vol.10, no.4
An O(min(m, n)) Parallel Deadlock Detection AlgorithmJAEHWAN JOHN LEE; VINCENT JOHN MOONEY III20052005, vol.10, no.3
An Algorithm for Integrated Pin Assignment and Buffer PlanningHUA XIANG; XIAOPING TANG; MARTIN D. F. WONG20052005, vol.10, no.3
Routing-Aware Scan Chain OrderingPUNEET GUPTA; ANDREW B. KAHNG; STEFANUS MANTIK20052005, vol.10, no.3