

刊名Journal of Field Robotics

Journal of Robotic Systems机器人系统杂志2002~2006


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2021, vol.38, no.1 2021, vol.38, no.2 2021, vol.38, no.3 2021, vol.38, no.4 2021, vol.38, no.5 2021, vol.38, no.6
2021, vol.38, no.7 2021, vol.38, no.8

Automation and robotics in the cultivation of pome fruit: Where do we stand today?Verbiest, Rafael; Ruysen, Kris; Vanwalleghem, Tanja; Demeester, Eric; Kellens, Karel20212021, vol.38, no.4
Unmanned aircraft flight control aided by phased-array radio navigationGryte, Kristoffer; Bryne, Torleiv H.; Johansen, Tor A.20212021, vol.38, no.4
Consistent decentralized cooperative localization for autonomous vehicles using LiDAR, GNSS, and HD mapsHery, Elwan; Xu, Philippe; Bonnifait, Philippe20212021, vol.38, no.4
Navigating high-speed unmanned surface vehicles: System approach and validationsZhuang, Jiayuan; Zhang, Lei; Wang, Bo; Su, Yumin; Sun, Hanbing; Liu, Yuanchang; Bucknall, Richard20212021, vol.38, no.4
Adaptive sampling with an autonomous underwater vehicle in static marine environmentsStankiewicz, Paul; Tan, Yew T.; Kobilarov, Marin20212021, vol.38, no.4
Canopy density estimation in perennial horticulture crops using 3D spinning lidar SLAMLowe, Thomas; Moghadam, Peyman; Edwards, Everard; Williams, Jason20212021, vol.38, no.4