

刊名Advanced Robotics


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2018

2004, vol.18, no.1 2004, vol.18, no.10 2004, vol.18, no.2 2004, vol.18, no.3 2004, vol.18, no.4 2004, vol.18, no.5
2004, vol.18, no.6 2004, vol.18, no.7 2004, vol.18, no.8 2004, vol.18, no.9

Design and validation of a universal 6D seam-tracking system in robotic welding using arc sensingMIKAEL FRIDENFALK; GUNNAR BOLMSJO20042004, vol.18, no.1
Task-based compliance planning for multi-fingered robotic manipulationsBYOUNG-HO KIM; BYUNG-JU YI; SANG-ROK OH; IL HONG SUH20042004, vol.18, no.1
Self-reconfigurable planar parallel robot in the horizontal planeJIN-KYU CHOI; OSAMU MORI; TOSHIYA TSUKIAI; TORU OMATA20042004, vol.18, no.1
Distributed cooperative load redistribution for fault tolerance in a team of four object-lifting robotsMAJID NILIAHMADABADI; FOAD GHADERI20042004, vol.18, no.1
Hybrid autonomous control for multi mobile robotsKAZUYUKIITO; AKIO GOFUKU20042004, vol.18, no.1
Acquisition of a page turning skill for a multifingered hand using reinforcement learningJUN UEDA; RYOJI NEGI; TSUNEO YOSHIKAWA20042004, vol.18, no.1